Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rules for Life

My post Whole30 diet has been less than stellar.  First I went to the beach.  In full vacation mode I consumed Oreos, ice cream, pizza, and LOTS of wine.  I told myself it was ok because I was on vacation and I wouldn't be associating all this "bad" food with being at home.

Not true.  When I got home I had a whirlwind of activities for 4th of July weekend.  There was eating out (Ra sushi... YUMM), eating at BBQ's and then more eating out (Buffalo Wild Wings.. also YUMM).  Tonight I have a softball game and I am already planning on eating a crab pretzel at the bar after.  I've been eating a nice and healthy breakfast and then its all down hill from there.  Oh yea, did I mention the girl scout cookies?  Lots of girl scout cookies!

So clearly Whole30 was great for me but not long enough to break my habits.  I am going to start again in September to control the beginning of the school year cravings and stress.  In the meantime, I want to come up with my own rules.  Maybe with written rules I will stick to a partial Whole30 diet in the long run.

So here it is... Jessi's Eating Rules:

1. Have a vegetable with every meal (how hard is it to add spinach to scrambled eggs?  Not that hard)

2. No cow's milk.  I will be eating cheese and yogurt occasionally, but not milk.

3. Dairy with only one meal a day.

4. Only gluten free grains.

5. No bread (This is a given based on the previous rule, but I needed to see it in writing anyway... ugh. Bread.)

6. No added sugar/ sweeteners.  Exception: cane sugar in things like chocolate chips.  But this can only be a couple times a week.

7. Only one "cheat" meal a week.  Not cheat day, cheat meal.  Just one a week.  I will have to plan these out for now so that I can stay on track.

8. Only 4 servings of alcohol a week.  This may seem high to some people, but I'm a  teacher and its summer time.  This can be 4 servings in one day, or one serving for four days.  These expire at the end of the week.  I can't "save up" my alcohol servings from week to week.

9. No processed foods.

Am I missing anything?  This starts when i get back from Peru.  I won't have control over what I am eating there, and I am going to eat a crab pretzel tonight.