Sunday, March 10, 2013

Abandoning the Food Diary

Why you ask?  Well a couple reasons…

Most of what we are eating now is unprocessed.  Originally the food diary was a way of me having some accountability for sticking to things.  But now I’m doing pretty good.  Don’t get me wrong, I am still eating some processed things.  Like right now, as I type this, I am having breakfast : homemade bread with natural peanut butter, banana, coffee with half and half and stevia, and wait for it… banana but cake left over from a family birthday party- store bought not homemade.

Do I care that much about the cake?  Not really.  You win some, you lose some.  This cake is delicious and until it is gone I will probably continue to eat it.  Do I wish I had had the time and energy to make a cake instead of buying one?  Absolutely!  But life doesn’t always work out that way….

I will say that we probably eat unprocessed 75% of the time.  I’m ok with that ratio.  Like I’ve said from the beginning, I’m not going to stop going out with friends (in fact there is a crab pretzel from Looney’s calling my name after our football game this afternoon).  Going out definitely accounts for some of the 25% processed.  What I would like to cut out completely is the moments of weakness (especially at school) when I get a bag of chips from the vending machine even though I have a hardboiled egg in my lunch box.  Or kids birthdays!  I HAVE TO STOP EATTING KIDS BIRTHDAY CUPCAKES/CAKES.  There… so it is written so it shall be done (maybe).

The second reason for stopping the food diary is that it must be really boring to read.  I mean I have the same thing every weekday for breakfast/ morning snack (apples, peanut butter, yogurt, granola) and the same thing for afternoon snack (hardboiled egg, almonds, dark chocolate).  Dinners change a lot and lunches are usually just dinner leftovers.  I will try to do a better job of posting recipes and pictures of dinners. 

1 comment:

  1. i am back to eating mostly unprocessed thanks to you and this blog. i feel so much better and i stay full so much longer! win-win. i think you make it pretty easy to eat that way most of the time by having the same meals most of the time. i am going to try that. good for you! ~joy
