Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Well I lied...

So as soon as I say “Oh I’m doing so great.  Who needs a food diary???”  I fall off the bandwagon and start eating like crap.  There was a whole array of reasons/excuses for this… its report card time at school so I’ve been more stressed than usual.  Then we went to Mexico for a week for spring break.  The resort was all inclusive so we drank and ate all week long (banana mojito… delicious!  Crepe with nutella for breakfast everyday… sure, why not!).  Needless to say we did not stick to unprocessed foods on vacation.  Even before vacation, we ate a lot of fast food because we were trying not to buy too much food and then have it go bad while we were gone.  On top of all this I started taking fertility drugs and they made me gain back all the weight I had lost so it encouraged me to eat things like m and ms and cookies (if I’m going to gain weight on the medicine… might as well enjoy it!).  Oh yeah, and then we had a 3D shape party at school so I ate crap at that too:

Wait... thats actually from snack at class the night before the 3D shape party.  So not only did I eat this plate of food but then the next day I had baked lays (hexagon), cookies (circle) , and ice cream (sphere)... (yes I know... you want to be in my kindergaten class.  3D shape parties are awesome). 
On the trip home from Mexico I said at least 5 times to Tom that when we get home we need to get back on track.  The night after we got home we went to the movies, and although Tom made snide comments… I insisted on cookie dough bites and a blue Icee.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???? (Although in my defense I only ate half the cookie dough bites and threw the rest away).

I have been a little better since the movies… I thought I took pictures of some meals from the past 24 hours but apparently my phone decided not to save them…

Yesterday for lunch I had a whole wheat wrap with tuna, spicy mustard, spinach, and cheddar cheese.  It was quick and easy and also DELICIOUS!!!  I will probably have the same thing tonight for dinner since Tom is at work.

This morning for breakfast Tom made scrambled eggs with peppers and spinach and cheddar cheese.  Yummm.  Eating healthy is delicious… and these past two meals have reminded me of that.  Time to get back in gear.  I think part of the problem is not taking the time to prep things for the week (but our weekends have been so jam packed it’s been impossible).  Tonight I’m going to make granola, hard boil some eggs and hopefully make chocolate chip cookies (I just need to look up how to substitute molasses for brown sugar).  I think having snacks on hand and easy to access will help get me back on track. Time will tell….

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