Monday, May 27, 2013

Back on the running bandwagon

Ok so I love like running.  When we were training for the 1/2 marathon I got into a groove and really enjoyed it.  Then the 1/2 marathon happened.... I knew I could run 13 miles... and I kind of started slacking off.  Other than a few races we've run in the last month I haven't really run. 

Tom got me a micoach for my birthday last year and it was great when we were training.  For more about the micoach check out their website:  This weekend I started browsing through their "be fit" workouts found a plan that looked great.  Every third day is a 30 min blue zone day (blue zone is a very slow heartrate zone)... that's basically a built in dog walking day.  Perfect.  The workout plan is basically a day of sprints, a long-ish run (40 or 50 min) and then the blue zone day.  I started it up again Saturday and am excited to get back in the groove.  Saturday was a sprint day and despite stuggling A LOT it felt good to be outside running.  Today I'm doubling up since I didn't do my 40 min run yesterday.  So today I'll run 40 min and then do the 30 min walk. As soon as I take a nap I'll go run... promise.

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