Monday, January 20, 2014

Carb Cycling: Week 1

On Tuesday a coworker lent me Chris Powell's book about carb cycling.  When I started reading it I realized I was doing A LOT of stuff wrong.  Like on high carb days  you're not supposed to have any fat.  Apparently this includes putting milk in my coffee.  Powell's is crazy if he thinks I'm drinking my coffee without milk. Also, I had not been having protein with every meal.  I mean my three big meas yes, but some days my snack was just a cheese stick or a piece of fruit.  I bought his book for my nook and my plan is to read that today/ tomorrow so that I can better plan out meals for this week (yes, I know this week already started... but since I'm a teacher and not at work today or tomorrow its still basically the weekend).

Things that are going to be really hard:
- No fat on high carb days (seriously how is that possible)
- Getting bored with salad and grilled chicken on low carb days
- Eating 5 meals on weekends.  Its easy to do when I'm at work.  But this weekend was bad.  Sat, Sun and Mon I only ate 4 meals each day.  I slept later and just don't want to have a meal at 8 or 9 pm..... 

Things that I still don't understand:
- I work out a lot more than he suggests in the book (he has a 9 min workout each day).  How do I accommodate for this when I'm planning meals?

Anyway... some highlights from this week. 

Thursday night: Low carb... chicken parm.  Technically not totally low carb because there were bread crumbs on the chicken.  But close enough.

I had half a serving of chicken with some leftover eggplant Parmesan to get in more veggies. 

Then I had leftover chicken on a sandwich the next day for my high carb lunch.  Technically doesn't fit the profile because it has cheese on it... but again, close enough!

Saturday was my reward day.  My breakfast was not too extravagant.  Although that is cream cheese inside of the omelet. Yummmm. 

We went rock climbing on Saturday and went out to lunch afterwards with friends.  I had a grilled chicken sandwich with green apple cole slaw and rice and beans.  If it wasn't for the cheese and the bread that was not whole wheat I think it would have actually qualified as a high carb meal. Since it was a reward day I had my lunch with a Woodchuck Pumpkin Cider. Delicious.

When we got back in the late afternoon we went to my neighbor's house to continue the merriment in the form of wine and rock band.  We ended up ordering pizza and Chinese for dinner.  I had a slice (or 3) of Papa John's think crust with BBQ sauce, chicken, peppers and onions and crab and cheese wontons.  Most delicious combination ever after a bottle of wine.  Yup, I certainly took advantage of the reward day.

On the plus side, this week I did A LOT of exercise.  8 mile hike on Sunday. Boot camp at school Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Went for  run Tuesday night and then to a kayak rolling class. Power hour at the gym Friday night. Rock climbing on Saturday.  Then another hike on Sunday. 

At the end of the week (Saturday morning) I got on the scale.  I did not loose any weight this week, but I didn't gain any either.  It might just be my imagination but I feel like my stomach is flatter. I will read the book tomorrow (I started typing this blog post earlier today and planned to do some reading today... but then Tom and I went to the zoo instead :)  Hopefully the book will answer some of my questions and help me to plan better for the rest of this week.  About to go have brown rice, peas, and grilled chicken for dinner (although all I really want is the leftover pizza that Tom will be having for dinner.... the reward day might have ruined me).

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