Friday, January 3, 2014

Detox: Day 2

First, let me start by saying this is the first time in my entire life I have not been totally excited by having a snow day.  Ugh.  This detox is ruining snow days.  I knew from my text messages with Susan yesterday that being at home while only eating smoothies (Susan works from home) was not as easy as being at work and being distracted.  Nevertheless, mother nature wanted to torture me.  So alas, we had a snow day.

Bright side... I slept until 9:40 am so I figured I would not need to eat the whole lunch smoothie....

I had my green tea when I got up and started putting away Christmas decorations.  I decided productivity would be my friend today.  Halfway through taking down decorations I had my breakfast drink.  It was yummy but not large enough.  I feel like I finished it in 3 gulps.

When the decorations were put away I set my sights on the kitchen.  I went through the cabinets and got rid of cookies, candy, and chocolate (gasp- don't worry teacher friends- I'm bringing the good stuff in to school on Monday).  Then I started working on my meal plan for days 4-7 of this detox (more on this on Sunday... but essentially its just going to be a very regulated diet, 4 servings protein, 4 servings grain, 4 servings fat, and 2 dairy every day).

By this time Tom had gotten up and was on the couch watching How I Met Your Mother on Lifetime.  The couch beckoned.  I spent most of the afternoon reading and was even able to eat more of the lunch smoothie than yesterday.  I re blended it last night... I don't think it did much but I couldn't taste the celery as much today so I guess it did help a little.

After a lazy afternoon, Tom and I headed to the grocery store so that he had something to eat for dinner.  I was really nervous about going there hungry but I did just fine.  When we got back I guzzled down my snack smoothie and started cleaning out the fridge.  There was a fair amount of expired condiments in it.... gross.

While Tom was cooking his steak for dinner, I got on the computer to drool over Olive Garden's menu.  Susan and I have already planned a celebratory "we made it through a week" dinner at Olive Garden next Thursday.  Turns out planning future meals is a good distraction for feeling bored and hungry with your diet. Susan and I texted back and forth about our ideal ordering options.  We might have 5 days worth of leftovers by the time we finish ordering.... And yes, I know, we shouldn't use food as a reward for our detox.  But man is it going to taste delicious.  We plan to use the time at dinner to plan out how we are going to use aspects from the detox as we move forward in our regular lives.  Anyway...

Next  up was my epson salt bath.  Now I'm "eating" the dinner smoothie while typing this.

All in all, not a bad day.  Oh yea, and the best part.... I LOST 2.4 LBS!!!!!!  I told myself I was going to wait until the end to weigh myself but I couldn't help it.  I weighed myself this morning and had lost 2.4 pounds in 24 hours.  Score.

Tomorrow I'm going rock climbing.... Not quite sure how physical activity is going to jive with this diet.  I might add protein powder to my snack smoothie to make sure I have enough calories to use up during rock climbing. We'll see how I feel tomorrow...

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