Thursday, January 31, 2013

I said no to monkey bread!!!

If you don’t know what monkey bread is then you are missing out.  Check this out: . 

My friend in NY introduced me to it a couple years ago and I haven’t had it since.  I walked into our staff breakfast this morning and there were TWO huge loafs of monkey bread there.  Now I came prepared, I brought my own yogurt and granola so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat…. UGH!  All I wanted to do was eat the entire loaf of sugary goodness.  But I didn’t!  Seriously, I should get a metal.  This stuff is delicious.  I may try to make it at home… I could make homemade dough and use raw sugar.  Not sure what to substitute for the brown sugar though?  Maybe molasses???  Thoughts?

Ps- As I am uploading this a funfetti cupcake appeared as if by magic at my computer desk.  I definitely ate half  ALL (minus the icing... that helps right?) of it before deciding my hardboiled egg was a smarter snack choice….


  1. You can make raw brown sugar, just mix 1 cup raw sugar and 1 tbsp molasses (for light brown sugar) or 2 tbsp for dark brown sugar. Blackstrap molasses has the most iron in it aka healthier. Yay monkeybread!

  2. impressive!!!!!

  3. Laurel.. I will definitely try that! I already have "make monkey bread" on my cooking to do list for next week :)
